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Privacy Policy
Protection of personal data
In compliance with the Organic Law 15/1999 on Protection of Personal Data, FORTrate notifies the User that the data provided through this Web site are contained in FORTrate, S.L file, whose purpose is to respond to user queries send us through our contact form.
The personal data of the person concerned will be treated confidentially and in no case be transferred to third parties without his previous consent.
The person concerned may exercise their rights of opposition, access, rectification and deletion of data; to exercise these rights just write to FORTrate or send an e-mail requesting such information, correction or cancellation to the address, including name, photocopy of ID and email address.
FORTrate has the right but not the obligation, to their own devices, to correct mistakes or omissions in any part of the website, to show some concrete information to comply with certain laws, and to edit, modify, refuse or remove any content, in whole or in part, of the website.